Thursday, February 26, 2009

18 weeks!

Here is a picture of my matches the bassinet. This is the other Valentine's Day present from Brenton. He did so good! Thank you babe!

I am 18+3 weeks in this picture. My belly is growing!

18+0weeks in this picture. Just wanted to give you guys all an update! Hope all is well! We miss everyone.



Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Gliding Bassinet

So here it is! I got to impatient and wanted to see it all put together! I absolutely love it Brenton! It is so pretty and gender neutral! Now was just have to wait about 21 weeks to put baby Kingston in it! I think I will let my dad tackle the swing or Brenton when he gets home. My thumbs are sore..haha! but THANK YOU SO MUCH BRENTON! The best Valentine's Day present ever!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Presents for Mommy and Baby Kingston!

Yay...we love presents. Thank you daddy for the awesome bassinett and matching swing. They are so awesome. You have good taste...and what a wonderful surprise...:) My dad is coming again to visit on March 10th...looks like he will be busy putting together a few things! haha...It is not like we are in a rush....mommy is just impatient and wants to see them all put together. Who knows...maybe Hurley will climb into them...haha!

On another note...I am finally starting to feel Kingston move! It is amazing! I just love being I weird? haha. Anyhoo...I am off to bed. Had a long day at work. So far I am loving Labor and Delivery and may have found my calling!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Baby Kingston!

So it looks like we are having a little BOY! Brenton and I are super excited to welcome baby Kingston to the family. I have my official radiology appointment on March 9th to confirm everything and to check Kingston out. I found out "itty bitty" was a boy yesterday while at work. I had a doctor and midwife check for me while we had some "down time"...i don't know if there really is any down time on a labor and delivery floor...but we made some time! The pictures I have are not the best. Our machine at work doesn't produce the best pics, but when I get some good pics on March 9th, I will post them! Thank you to everybody for all your love and support! Having a baby is quite exciting. I didn't think I would be this attached to Kingston already! 22 weeks more to go!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

17 Weeks!

Here are two more pics! My belly is growing slowly! But that's a good thing! haha...!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ahhh....New Beginnings for the Yates'!!!

So much is going on right now. My parents officially are all moved out of their house and I have slowly moved some of our stuff in (well Brenton did before he left and my dad did a lot while he was here....I watched...does that count?). Tomorrow the house is getting a deep will look so pretty. Next Saturday (the 14th) Brenton's brother, Sean, will be coming down to help me move the rest of the stuff into the house. Also, our BRAND SPAKIN' NEW BEDROOM FURNITURE will be delivered that day! So exciting!

As for work, I work Friday and Saturday. These are my last two days on the post-partum unit! Starting Monday, I will officially be a labor and delivery nurse!!!! I am so ready for change. My new division officer is sending me to a course at the San Diego Medical Center for two weeks, so I will not officially be on the floor working until the last week in February. Hopefully then I will be able to find out the sex of our lil' itty bitty too! Brenton and I want to know so bad. Once I found out and tell Brenton (he gets to know first), I will let everyone else know in a huge announcement...haha!

Well that is really all for now. Brenton is still in Kentucky and learning lots about tanks! I am anxious to have him home! Hope all is well with everyone else! We miss and love you all!



Sunday, February 1, 2009

15 weeks and counting!

Yes...I am 15 weeks pregnant today! Time is going by so fast! I figured I would let everyone know how I was doing and what I have been up too this past week. I am feeling great and fabulous! No morning sickness, my fatigue has decreased, I still get a little or few headaches, I have back pains when TRYING to sleep, but most of all I feel great and I feel like I have a life again. Man that first trimester was rough! haha I am also in that very awkward phase with clothes. My clothes are getting to be too small for me, but yet I am too small for maternity clothes. I find myself wearing sweats a lot right cozy though! I will probably post pics up here every two weeks so people can really notice the change in belly size!

So whats been new with me? My parents finally got all their stuff packed out of their Oceanside home. My dad is still in town...will be here for a couple more days. Then he needs to head up to Oregon to receive all their household goods that just got all packed up. In the meantime, he is trying to move as much of our stuff into this house. Yesterday we were able to move everything out of our garage at the apartment complex, so today we are going to tackle the actual apartment. It's a good thing Brenton moved over the majority of our furniture. Thanks babe!!! Isn't today suppose to be a day of rest??? Yeah...I won't get that! haha

As for work, this is my last week on my floor. Starting next Monday I will officially be on Labor and Delivery. I absolutely love working down there and can't wait to start for good!!! They are sending me to a class for two weeks in San Diego for beginner L&D nurses. I am excited for that too. It will be another certification that I can add to my list!

As for Brenton, he is still trying to stay warm in Fort Knox, Kentucky. The power is finally back up so he is able to charge that cell phone. Other than that, not much else is new with him. He is very ANXIOUS to come home. And we are just as anxious to have him home. Well this is all for now! Have a very happy and safe Sunday everybody!

