Thursday, December 4, 2008

Its been way too long! has been way too long since I updated our blog last. Life has definately kept both Brenton and I busy these past couple of months! Brenton is currently in Fort Knox, Kentucky waiting to start tank school. He has been told that he will pick up in as of now he just works out, cleans, and hangs around his barracks. He says it is super cold there right now and snowing! It has been quite the opposite here in SoCal. It is always sunny, although it is starting to get a little on the chilly side. I have been busy working and hanging out with our puggle Hurley. Hurley is quite the spoiled dog and requires a lot of attention...haha! Work for me has been okay. I have been told that I am going to Labor and Delivery sometime after the new year...but I was told I was going there this past fall as well. So we will see. I am anxious to get out of Postpartum for a while. I really enjoy taking care of mommies and babies...but I need some change...and lets say excitement! It gets very routine after a while.

As for the holidays, Brenton will be coming home for a couple of weeks. When exactly he can come home is still up in the air. Hopefully we will know soon. My parents are currently in the process of moving back to Okinawa, Japan. My mom leaves this Saturday and my dad the following. Brenton and I will be moving into their house. It will be nice to get out of this one-bedroom apartment and actually have some space to walk around in and a nice backyard for Hurley! So a lot will be happening here in the next few weeks.

Brenton and I wish everyone a HAPPY HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! We will be sure to post some christmas pics and our latest updates! We love and miss all our friends and family back home in Oregon. Wish we could be there....maybe next year!:)



1 comment:

Shannon said...

Sounds like things are going very well for you guys. And some exciting changes coming! Yay! Merry Christmas.