Friday, January 30, 2009

Brenton and freezing Kentucky!

As we all know....there are some big storms hitting Kentucky. Brenton has been without power in his barracks and on the base he is at for a few days now. Yesterday they all had to stay in their "racks" (beds) all day! How boring. Can't plug in their cell phones because of the power. The "chow hall" (cafeteria) is without power too. So they have been eating MRE's! I keep telling Brenton it could be worse. I think all the guys are starting to get frustrated though. If the storms continue they may have to add days onto his training cycle and will graduate later than March 24th! Which I definetaly don't want to happen! I want him home so bad! But please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He is fighting a big cold right now too. I don't think he body is use to the extreme cold that he facing right now! I love you Brenton. Hang in there! Just remember sunny SoCal, your wife, "itty bitty", and Hurley are at home waiting for you!

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