Saturday, August 23, 2008

He Called!

Yay! I heard from Brenton! He called me yesterday while I was at work. Like usual though we didn't get to talk long...maybe 3-5 minutes. But it was the best 3-5 minutes ever. He didn't sound to bad. You could tell he is losing his voice from all the yelling. He said that it has been tough, but he is improving in everything and is in the best shape of his life. He misses his family and friends and can't wait to graduate on Oct. 17th! He is heading to Camp Pendleton today (Saturday) for his start of 2nd Phase. Yes, he completed 1st phase....the toughest and the roughest. Only two more phases to go baby! I am so happy and proud of him. He wanted me to let everyone know that he is receiving everybody's letters and pictures and he loves them. He is so greatful for them. Keep writing him! Also, I don't know how many of you know his friend Caleb. He is down here to at Camp Pendleton going through the School of Infantry. I have heard from him as well. He is doing well and I am actually hoping to see him today after work. It is so neat to have people from home down here in these new surroundings. I hope all is well with everyone. I love you and miss you all.

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