Friday, August 15, 2008


So Tuesdays have now become my favorite day of the week...why? Cause I always get a letter from Brenton. He is always able to write letters on Sundays while at church and I happen to get one every Tuesday. I absolutely love Tuesdays now. When I am working, you should see me rush home after work to the mailbox. Nothing matters to me at that moment but getting that letter. I don't even care if I am running out of gas....I hit up the mailbox first. When I am not working, I like to hang out by the mailbox between 2-3 and I impatiently wait for the mail lady to slowly put mail in everybody's mail boxes. Why does she have to close off the whole thing while she does that? It seriously takes this lady about an hour to put all the mail in everyone's mailboxes. I know she has a lot of mail to pass out and stuff....maybe I am just too impatient...haha! Brenton is doing well. He misses home a lot and can't wait to see his wifey and Hurley...but at the same time he is happy and excited about this new adventure for us. He wants me to say hi to if you are reading this...Brenton is thinking of you and says Hi. He appreciates all the letters he has received thus far. He wants me to specifically tell his nieces and nephew that he loves them and misses them. Oh he will be home so soon...9 weeks from today and you betch ya I got that day off work. As for me, I am doing well. Working tons. I have been charge nurse a couple of times now at work. Only in the military do you move up to charge nurse within 7-8 months of being a nurse...haha. But it is fun and I enjoy it. I have already learned so much about nursing since being in the military. Well I hope everyone is doing well. We miss you all and love you!

1 comment:

Blayne and Aerin Yates said...

Good to hear! I sent a letter last week with the pictures on the paper like I told you about. Hopefully he got it, I am sure you will probably hear about it on TUESDAY!! I am glad to hear you are doing well, let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Love you too!! Aerin, Blayne, Victoria, Gavin, and Maddy! :)